Confederation Bridge

Cross Confederation Bridge

The world’s longest bridge over ice-covered water, the 12.9km bridge was built at a cost of $1 billion, linking Prince Edward Island to the mainland. An engineering marvel, the bridge is 11m wide with two driving lanes and one emergency lane. At 80 km/hr, it takes about 10 minutes to make the crossing, with a round-trip toll charged when exiting the PEI side. Opened to traffic in 1997, the bridge is curved the bridge to ensure drivers remain attentive, and thus avoid accidents.

Length of Trip : It takes 10 minutes to drive across the bridge.

Cost : Click here for the latest toll fees. Tolls are charged based on the number of axels, and calculate for the round-trip, regardless of whether you arrived in PEI by ferry.

Best time to go : The bridge is open year-round.

Wheelchair friendly : Yes

Family friendly : Yes

Official Site :

Where to Stay : When visiting Charlottetown, we recommend staying with our partner, the Holiday Inn Express & Suites

Getting There : The Confederation Bridge forms part of the Trans-Canada Highway, linking New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.

Note from Robin : The architects thoughtfully curved the bridge to ensure distracted drivers pay attention to the road, and don’t launch off the bridge to add motor vehicles to the marine life below.

Great Canadian Trails